जो खुद के साथ वही ख़ुदा के भी साथ

मेरे इस पोस्ट का मेरे आस पास में हो रहे किसी भी घटना से कोई लेना देना नहीं है, और मैं नहीं चाहता हूँ कि कोई भी क्रांतिकारी अपने अनमोल समय को मेरे इस बकवास ब्लॉग पे कमेंट कर के व्यर्थ करे। रात के तीन बजने वाले हैं, नींद आ नहीं रही है, दरअसल सोने की आदत पता नहीं कब छूट गयी, अब तो पास आउट हीं होते हैं। तो यह ब्लॉग मेरे वैसे हीं अनेक समय को बस ऐसे हीं जो व्यर्थ में नष्ट देने की निरंतर चेष्टाएँ हैं, उनका यह एक छोटा सा उदाहरण है।

क्या मैंने कभी समाज का भला करने की सोची हैं। साइमन कमीशन की रिपोर्ट के विरोध के सन्दर्भ में कभी पढ़ा था कि अंग्रेजो ने समिति में किसी भी भारतीय को ये बोल के नहीं लिया था कि कोई भी इंडियन अपने या अपने जाति के आगे नहीं सोंच सकता है। तो मेरे दिमाग में अभी रात को यही ख़याल आ रहें हैं कि मैंने निश्चित रूप से अपने हित के बारे में तो सोचा हीं है, पर क्या मैंने कभी भी अपने ज़िन्दगी में कभी अपने आस पास के समाज को लेकर कुछ करने की सोची हैं या मेरी ज़िन्दगी सिर्फ अपने स्वार्थी जीवन को जीने में लगी रही है।

आख़िर रात को तीन बजे मेरे दिमाग में ये बात आयी क्यूँ। दरअसल मैंने अभी किसी से यह सुना कि वो यह सब कुछ संस्थान (अब संस्थान कुछ भी हो सकता है, देश, राज्य भाषा, पार्टी, यूनिवर्सिटी, कॉलेज, कास्ट….) के लिए कर रहा है, उसका ख़ुद पर्सनली कोई इशू नहीं है। हालाँकि सुनने के बाद मैंने उसको थोडा उकसाया, पर वो डंटा रहा, अंत में हमलोग दोनों ने हंसकर बात ख़तम की।

लेकिन फिर मैं सोंच में पड़ गया। क्या मैं सही में इतना गिरा हुआ इंसान हूँ जो सिर्फ अपने बारे में सोंचता है। और मेरे आस पास के लोग अक्सर अपने से बड़ी चीज़ों के पीछे, जैसे संस्थान के उत्थान में लगे होते हैं।
यह सच है कि मुझे अपने किसी भी स्कूल या कॉलेज को ले के कोई विशेष प्यार न अभी है, न कभी रहा था। देश राज्य का तो रहने हीं दे। जाति से तो खैर और भी कोई लेना देना नहीं रहा है, भले हीं मैं बहुत ब्राह्मण ब्राह्मण पोस्ट लिखता रहूँ, मेरे अंदर ब्राह्मण जात के लोगों के लिए तो कोई विशेष अनुराग नहीं हीं है। यही बात मैं बिहारी, झारखंडी, हिन्दू, हिन्दुस्तान के बारे में भी बोल सकता हूँ। मेरे अंदर वो sense of belonging है हीं नहीं।

but what is worse? not having any sense of belonging or losing all sense for belonging!!

अभी ढूँढने की ताक़त नहीं है पर गीता में कहीं पढ़ा हूँ कि मनुष्य अपने अलावा और किसी का भला कर भी नहीं सकता है, वो आप हीं अपना सबसे बड़ा मित्र और सबसे बड़ा शत्रु है। मैं इस बात से पूरी तरह अग्री करता हूँ। मनुष्य जब समाज के रक्षा की ज़िम्मेदारी खुद पे ले लेता है तो मुझे लगता है वो राक्षस हो जाता है।

सभी लोगों की यह ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं हो सकती है कि वो सबकी रक्षा का भार अपने ऊपर ले लें। न तो यह सभी लोगों का धर्म हैं और ना हीं उन्हें इस बात की एक पैसे की भी ग्लानि होनी चाहिए, अगर वो ऐसा कोई एहसास अपने अंदर ना रखते हो। अपना ईमान साफ़ रखों। देखे आपका खुद का धर्म क्या है, और पालन करें। महाभारत के युद्ध में लड़ना सभी लोगों का कर्तव्य नहीं था, अर्जुन का धर्म था, कृष्णा खुद युद्ध में नहीं लड़ें थे।

आपका जो धर्म हो वही दूसरा भी धारण करे जरूरी नहीं है। आप खुद पे ध्यान दे। आप अपना ध्यान रखें, क्योंकि आपके बगलवाला और सामनेवाला भी अंततः अपना हीं ख़याल रखेगा, और उसे वही करना भी चाहिए। और इससे ज्यादा वो कुछ कर भी नहीं सकता है।

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57 thoughts on “जो खुद के साथ वही ख़ुदा के भी साथ

  1. Such escapism , kudos . How conveniently u have tried to prove because you are not capable of something that must be bad or not worth doing . I must say how it never fails to amuse me how peoplee like you quote something like Gita selectively just enough for you to feel the moral high ground . I know wat encourages you to write this post although you don’t have the guts to admit it . It’s bad because now you are out of your comfort zone standing in sun light? So sad but please don’t miss the bigger picture and ask yourself are u really practicing your Dharma ? Your inability to support the movement comes from the discomfort being caused to u that’s the length and breadth of it , tell me do u extend the same courtesy to others ?that is to say do u feel the pain of others like u feel yours? O ya you don’t have a sense of belonging , Very gud but now don’t expect everyone to feel how u feel or adhere to your principles.P.S .. I am not a krantikari and felt like commenting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. नैमिषारण्य April 13, 2017 — 7:23 pm

      I will accept personal charge of being an escapist. so far my response on immediate event ( i am calling it gatebandi) goes, i totally disagree with you guys there and i disagree in strongest terms. I think the whole incident was totally uncalled for, very very juvenile and only good outcome of gatebandi is that it is over. I stand against mob justice whatever be the crime. and my dharma was to criticize and denounce (may be more directly and more boldly) this totally irresponsible act of lockdown…now so far selectively quoting geeta goes, we always quote selectively, you cant quote whole geeta anyway…

      though your use of the phrase “comfort zone” is absolutely wrong still if you are referring on showing discomfort for facing discomfort, well remember story of Karna on why he got Shraap of Parshuram. I cannot suffer physical discomfort for well being of others or for the well being of society’s … that’s not in my nature…


  2. नैमिषारण्य April 13, 2017 — 7:07 pm

    I will accept personal charge of being an escapist. so far my response on immediate event ( i am calling it gatebandi) goes, i totally disagree with you guys there and i disagree in strongest terms. I think the whole incident was totally uncalled for, very very juvenile and only good outcome of gatebandi is that it is over. I stand against mob justice whatever be the crime. and my dharma was to criticize and denounce (may be more directly and more boldly) this totally irresponsible act of lockdown…now so far selectively quoting geeta goes, we always quote selectively, you cant quote whole geeta anyway…

    though your use of the phrase “comfort zone” is absolutely wrong still if you are referring on showing discomfort for facing discomfort, well remember story of Karna on why he got Shraap of Parshuram. I cannot suffer physical discomfort for well being of others or for the well being of society’s … that’s not in my nature…


  3. Whatever your nature is if u can’t suffer slightest physical discomfort for anyone then don’t expect others to give up their cause for your discomfort now u will say it’s just not about that but I don’t support mob Justice . … Are people burning someone at stake at the campus ? They are asking for their basic rights after paying a very large amount of money .

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t know wat u want to achieve by quoting Karn story here … As far as quoting of whole Gita goes obviously nobody can quote the entire thing but there is something called destroying the essence of something which you are guilty of .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 5:20 am

      कर्ण ने जब देखा कि द्रोणाचार्य उसे शिक्षा नहीं देंगे तो वह परशुराम के पास चला गया. परशुराम का प्रण था वो क्षत्रियों या शूद्रों को शस्त्र की शिक्षा नहीं देतें थे। कर्ण ने उनसे झूठ बोला कि वो ब्राह्मण है और शिक्षा प्राप्त करने लगा। उसकी प्रतिभा से परशुराम बहुत खुश थे। एक दिन वो कर्ण की गोद में सिर रख कर सो रहें थे। तभी वहां पे एक कीड़ा कर्ण के जांघ को काटने लगा। कहीं गुरु की निद्रा टूट न जाए यह सोच कर असीम दर्द के बावजूद कर्ण अपने जगह से थोड़ा भी नहीं हिला। उनके जांघ से रक्त बहने लगा और रक्त बहकर परशुराम के चेहरे में लगा जिससे उनकी नींद खुल गयी। कर्ण की यह हालत देख कर परशुराम क्रोध से थर थर कापने लगे। और पुछा…

      “सच सच बताओ तुम कौन हो, क्योंकि ब्राह्मण कभी दूसरों के लिए इतना दर्द बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता।” यह सिर्फ क्षत्रिय या शूद्र हीं कर सकता है….”

      क्रोध से डरकर कर्ण ने उन्हें sach bata दिया। उसके बाद परशुराम ने उन्हें श्राप दिया कि चूँकि तुमने धोखे से शिक्षा प्राप्त की है इसीलिए तुम्हे जब इसकी सबसे अधिक जरूरत होगी तब तुम उसे भूल जाओगे।

      इस कहानी से ज्यादा मैं कर्ण के उदाहरण पे कुछ नहीं बोलूंगा।

      now let’s see the first demand… remove him, ask him to resign… how can a person be removed without due inquiry…and here your mob justice part comes, but you say that “no no we all know that he is incompetent; don’t you know this and such rhetoric… ” it has been seven years and all… but now see Kasab (that 26/11 guy)… everyone knew that he was guilty but still we gave him due process, if you remember even then people were saying just hang him kyon biryani khilaana hai, phir hijack ho jaayega koi plane aur phir chodna padega…

      same way man, over here, a crowd can only demand inquiry not definite result… due process howsoever you may hate it, a lawyer must respect due process… a kangaru court is not the answer ..

      so far other demands like audit report and other things goes, a simple RTI could have done it… (if you were scared of victimization then you could have got it filed by someone else or i guess you can file anonymous RTI as well.. )

      other things like funding and other stuff goes, a chief minister can’t (and shouldn’t) release funds whimsically, release of fund must follow a due process… A due process again…

      so far other overhaul of day to day affair goes let’s not discuss about them openly, but they can only be solved by talk and deliberation…

      now https://wordpress.com/post/ndguru.wordpress.com/105

      “एक लाख श्लोकों में आठ हज़ार आठ सौ श्लोक ऐसे हैं जिनका मतलब मैं जानता हूँ, शुकदेव जी* जानते हैं , संजय जानते हैं की नहीं इसका निश्चय नहीं है…”

      geeta is part of Mahabharat, so there is no essence of geeta (because any sloka could be one of those 8800 slokas and even if there is one essence you cannot say that this is the essence because you are neither Vyas nor Sukdev jee… i am no where saying that my interpretation is the only true interpretation but i am ready to hold forth (viz a viz you) with my interpretation of those sloka…

      and again not only that i generally disagree with gatebandi i particularly disagree in strongest term to this gatebandi… i can, may be, appreciate a strike by laborer against a mill owners but not you guys students of elite educational institute and more so law students….


  5. I amfamiliar with the story you mentioned in the beginning Wat I meant was how is this story even relevant in the scenario ?
    As for the due process Yes it is important but one has to consider the situation too the way this college administration works this kind of protest was needed not to directly achieve all the desired results but just to set the process in motion . People from court are asking the students to forget about the Audit . Why should one forget about it when people who matter suggest this kind of a solution . Wat was so wrong about it that u have to call it GoondRaj & mob Justice I don’t think u fully understand the extend of these terms .
    It’s funny one can support the JNU movement in support of a terrorist in the name of freedom of speech & expression but this is Goonda raj was the DUE PROCESS not followed in Afzal case and Yakub case.
    Yes I am not Vyas and there are so many Interpretations of Gita possible as no of people who read it so everyone can have their ideas of its essence also but wat I personally think wrong is that it is used to express thoughts like wat I make of it the only right thing others are just demonic .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 9:12 am

      Re karna that physical discomfort point…it is not in my nature to take physical discomfort for others…i couldn’t have done it even if that other was my guru… that was the point… remember i said my nature is such…I am sorry for that…and definitely not such pointless exercise

      how can they ask you to forget about audit… so far my knowledge goes college conducts audit every year and anytime in past you could have gathered it by following due process and if you couldn’t have ( even after exhausting writ and other mechanism) then what is the point in choosing practice of law as career!!! agar aise protest se heen kaam nikalna hai phir law kyon??

      now goondaraaj.. I am sorry if you felt bad because of use of this term goonda but then with all due humility gatebandi was goondaraj, and if you don’t like being referred as gunda then you should refrain from such practices… and before you get more angry, gunda is not necessarily a pejorative … i am sure you will remember this famous story of Jaishankar Prasad … http://gadyakosh.org/gk/%E0%A4%97%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BE_/%E0%A4%9C%E0%A4%AF%E0%A4%B6%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%B0_%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A6

      interestingly it is set up in the backdrop of banares …

      you say your protest was peaceful, i disagree, yes you did not use violence openly but you used force. your protest was forceful, and the force was not based on moral high ground, it was a huge lock. suppose, if i would have got very angry and have tried jumping over the fence, what would have happened to me then !! A hero Welcome!!

      you called your protest occupy nusrl.. i am sure you will appreciate the difference between occupying and capturing… you have captured a public institution and you had no legal or moral right to do that.

      University is not only meant for you or all your group or even if arguendo i accept that each and every student supported gatebandi even then this university is not build to serve you guys only… its public resource, it is also meant to be a place for research and activities other than teaching and dispensing your degrees.. not all stakeholders agreed with the problems that you cite, or your strategy of improvement and anyway you had no right to capture it and sensationalize university like this.

      what if some people feel that everything is all right the way it is…

      what about those people who feel that university has several issues including infrastructure and lack of fund but in day to day functions it is not so badly rotten as much you have guys have made it appear to be before everyone…

      what about those people who believes that despite immense hardships and difficulties this university has some remarkable academic and other achievements (the kind on which any university be proud) and some students have performed extremely well, ( and there are many excellent students even now in running batches), many alumni are doing really great in their respective fields including finding a space among bests of best; not that they don’t say that university do not have problems but not of the scale or the kind jiske liye itna bakwas tamasha khada kar diya jaaye and scandalize this university…

      everybody cannot, do not, and should not agree with you guys on this gatebandi… and i have all reason for saying that…

      #i did not say demonic ..i said Rakshsha … and that is not necessarily demonic jaise Raja Bali rakshsh the but demonic nahi the…

      I am the last person to say “only” I am right… just see the next post…


  6. In this elite educational institution very often there is no wi Fi in the hostels . One pays a lot of money here and expects a decent connection in return , doesn’t get it …Goes to the people who can fix this once twice thrice till it becomes embarrassing for the students but somehow it never gets embarrassing for the administration people wat due process do u advice here ? I think due process is the single most important term in the legal field but in a system where this term is understood and respected by the people in system if u think the system in question respects due process I think u either actually delusional or delusional on purpose . As I have earlier mentioned at least this much is / was needed just to set the process in motion because the situation is desperate so are the measures.


  7. In this elite educational institution one pays a considerable amount of money for WI – Fi and in return expects a decent connection …. doesn’t get … goes to the ppl concerned … Once .. twice .. thrice till it gets embarrassing for the students but some how it never gets embarrassing for the administration. Wat due process do u suggest for this ? I think due process is the single most important term in the legal field but it can be applied in a system which understands and respects this concept and the system in question is not aware of this concept and can use it only to justify any delay any negligence howsoever gross ,if u r r not aware of it either u r really delusional or so on purpose . As I have said this kind of protest is / was needed just to make these people aware of this thing called due process and set it in motion . The situation is desperate so r the measures.


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 9:15 am

      wifi koi mantra totaka nahi hai.. its a technical issue..it requires knowledge… i have never been involved over it because i don’t live in hostel, usually net works in day time in academic block… but come on this problem can be solved by scientific knowledge, you don’t need to lockdown the university for wifi…


  8. I don’t know where I said that the university lacks talent . Students and alumni is doing well gud for them.

    Your answer on the WI _ Fi matter says it all . So students should get some scientific knowledge and fix the issue … Who is providing this techinal knowledge on the campus or is it suppose to just dawn upon us while peacefully meditating and singing glories of the faculties whom any university should be proud to have .

    This kind of totally bakwass protest was totally needed and the university totally deserved it I am sorry u felt so offended everybody does not have to agree with it and it hardly matters u r free to say whatever u like . It was totally uncalled for juvenile etc etc but wat Honorable VC said about the students was totally classy mature and not at all scandalizing.

    As u said about the WI Fi issue u have not faced any problem .. the bottom line is it doesn’t concern u I think same goes for every other issue it doesn’t concern u therefore u can’t feel the same way how students feel about it those who r actually affected therefore it is useless to u .

    Why in the world would u have wanted to jump the fence up until now I have been given to understand through a elaborate story that u can’t go physical discomfort then why would u do that for such a violent tamasha . Don’t worry aapko chot lagne nahi dete.


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 10:24 am

      I never said i cannot face discomfort, i can face discomfort and i can face great discomfort but for myself not for others… for others i can only think and tell (or lecture) them what to do… as i said my nature… good or bad that’s the way i am… and how come jumping over fence is violent, i was not jumping on anyone…. anyway my point over here is that your protest was not peaceful, it was forceful and and it was not force of morality, it was physical force like lock with chain…

      I believe there is an IT committee constituted in this university, so many times i had this in formal discussion over wi fi problem and every time i asked if there is no one from the university who is good in networking and technology who knows akhir problem kya?? saman khareedna hai?? issue kya hai wifi me?? i am not there and if i would have been there i would have read on internet how to fix the problem and would have propsed a solution… i can still do it …

      jaise Mess me main jaanta hoon issue kya hai, teaching issues me bhe mujhe kuch idea hai issue kya hai aur kaise solve ho sakta hai…

      obviously there are issues that concern (residential) students and otherwise also that does not concern me likewise there are several issues that affects me as a faculty (permanent position) but i am never going to support strike for that… strike as a technology is not meant for me and i should not resort to it…


    2. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 10:44 am

      i was not talking about talents or lack of talents in the university, what i am saying is that there are people like them who think on those lines. i am sure not everyone would have agreed to lock down… but still lock-down happened… what was it that made them prevail over those who dissented; is it the lack of unity on the other side…??


  9. By violent tamasha I meant our violent tamasha I didn’t call ur jumping violent I meant why would u do that when such a tamasha is going on .
    Sorry sir hum aapki tarah mahan nahi hain aapki tarah fair aur reasonable nahi hain .


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 11:31 am

      aare isme sorry hone ki koi baat nahi hai…. 🙂


  10. O u thought my sorry was sincere . So sweet .😆


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 11:56 am

      ohh it was not like peace of the protest..


  11. I am not sorry because the changes that have took place would not have happened otherwise , mode of application and request doesn’t work here. I am not sorry because when one is humble and genuinely tries to make a point with the authorities it is considered their weakness and something which don’t deserve their attention. When ppl turn deaf ear to the problems it becomes necessary to shout . As ur blog was about welfare of oneself I think one was doing that in the process and speaking up for one’s right is neither against morality nor against law.


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 1:25 pm

      Nobody is stopping you from shouting my objection is to you holding my ears


      1. With due respect sir there was no ear holding.


      2. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 1:42 pm

        With equal respect forcefully stopping people by locking the door was ear holding and pretty tight holding it was…


  12. I am not saying all the students are saint here and everybody in the faculty or administration is wrong . A strong administration is required for both . Discipline should be there for everyone . That is the only way to bring about a positive permanent change in the university.


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 1:26 pm

      I thought i am the teacher here….


      1. U r the teacher here and students are here to learn from u 😃


  13. No one was man handled. Only necessary steps were taken.


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 2:12 pm

      Wah kya baat hai …abhaari hain. .. 🙂


  14. No one was manhandled . Only necessary steps were taken.


    1. नैमिषारण्य April 14, 2017 — 3:14 pm

      truce.. we differ and that’s okay and healthy… 🙂


  15. I agree😃

    Liked by 1 person

  16. नैमिषारण्य April 21, 2017 — 10:33 am

    Thank you madhusudan jee 🙂


  17. नैमिषारण्य May 10, 2017 — 6:32 am

    i don’t know whether it is the content or your replies but this has become one of the most read entry of my blog… thank you…


  18. I think my replies certainly made it more interesting. 😇Thank you for the credit. I should comment more often , don’t u think ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. नैमिषारण्य May 10, 2017 — 4:11 pm

      Sure sure …. you are most welcome… 🙂


  19. नैमिषारण्य May 11, 2017 — 9:21 pm

    No comment on new post ?? Aren’t you bahubali fan ??


  20. It’s just OK for me.


    1. नैमिषारण्य May 13, 2017 — 6:23 am

      Movie or the post ??


      1. Sir aapka post OK kaise ho sakta hai ? Aap filmon ke behteren sameeksha kartein hain & that u mixed with interpretation of different Hindi and Urdu terms. Aapko logon ko shabdon ke Matlab samjhana aise bhi bahot pasand hai.


      2. नैमिषारण्य May 13, 2017 — 7:24 am

        Wow thank you …btw from where you got this name Saanvi ??


      3. I got it from the most common source of names … Parents. May I ask why ?


      4. नैमिषारण्य May 13, 2017 — 8:25 am

        Ohhh your real name is Saanvi ?? I thought you randomly picked up this name ??


      5. I have two names … One of them is Saanvi.


  21. नैमिषारण्य May 13, 2017 — 10:21 am

    And what is the other name ??


    1. Sir , the other name is of no relevance here.


      1. नैमिषारण्य May 13, 2017 — 2:31 pm

        hmmm well if you want to hide it that’s okay… 🙂


      2. Sir , hide is not the correct word here. It’s conceal.


      3. नैमिषारण्य May 17, 2017 — 3:10 pm

        I wanted to express छुपाना not दबाना, नाम छुपाना, नाम दबाना, hide was a better choice…. 🙂


      4. Conceal is chupana it doesn’t mean dabana and I don’t think hide is used for intangibles.😃


      5. Conceal is chupana it doesn’t mean dabana and I don’t think hide is used for intangibles.☺


      6. नैमिषारण्य May 17, 2017 — 3:41 pm

        Have you read my WhatsApp status.


      7. I am definitely not a grammarian or a grammar Nazi but for me grammar is more like tense, singular pular , punctuation, a or an but this is something else & the reason I pointed it out is because u pay a lot of attention to these things & love explaining the “correct meaning” of a particular word to ppl.Then I guess u r the greatest grammarian.


      8. नैमिषारण्य May 17, 2017 — 4:27 pm

        So you know my whatsapp status
        .. did you pick up on hide and conceal because of that ??


      9. Yes and No.


  22. I checked ur status when u mentioned it.


    1. नैमिषारण्य May 17, 2017 — 4:55 pm

      I mean see 😀


      1. I didn’t understand ur last comment


  23. नैमिषारण्य May 17, 2017 — 5:56 pm

    ok ask me on whatsapp then…


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